
Data Science - Now recruiting Task Force Members and Reviewers!


In August 2022 the ACM CCECC started its DS2yr202X project to develop curricular guidance for 2-year undergraduate programs in Data Science. This forthcoming volume will be based on the Computing Competencies for Undergraduate Data Science Curricula (DS2021) developed by the ACM and the American Statistical Association.

We expect to finalize the DS2yr202X report in mid-2024, and we are currently recruiting industry practitioners and DS educators to join our DS2yr202X Task Force or serve as reviewers for this project.

Contribute your expertise to the DS2yr202X curricular guidance!

We are looking for Data Science professionals who are willing to contribute some of their time and expertise to help build the best possible curricular guidance for 2-year DS programs.

If you wish to join the DS2yr202X Task Force, please submit your contact information.

Industry practitioners: Please provide input for the Data Science Curricular Guidance for 2-year Undergraduate Programs project.

Computing educators: Please provide input for the Data Science Curricular Guidance for 2-year Undergraduate Programs project.